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We are Rural Community Based Development Initiative Association (RCBDIA)
RCBDIA is an Ethiopian NGO committed in sustainable rural development through agricultural and water supply programs.
RCBDIA aims to ensure farmer’s food security and improve rural household’s livelihood.
Established in February 2006 G.C
Registered (Licensed) in July 2007 G.C
Registry Number (ACSO) => 0335
Fundamentals (Mission, Vision, Values)
Our Mission
Promote efficient and adaptable technologies that will contribute to improve the livelihood of rural communities
Reinforce the local government institutions and community based organizations capacity on specific and pragmatic rural development issues
Ensure achieved outputs durably maintained and managed by local communities
Our Vision
Strive to see capacitated, autonomous and durably food secured rural communities and their local organizations.
We value community centered approach to ensure sustainable development
We show respect for:
Rural communities & their indigenous organizations
Our partner organizations
By being:
Truthful and honest
- In all our:
Development dealings
Programs or Domain of Intervention of the Association